Experimental investigations
In material mechanics, parallel with theoretical investigations, the experimental ones were also developed. The experimental investigations of concrete creep under the uniaxial tension, pressure and torsion were fulfilled. The features of concrete creep depending on stress value, concrete age, medium humidity and cross-section area were revealed. Depending on concrete age the boundaries of creep linear theory applicability were refined. Received important results have found out its application in the active building standards and norms (K.Karapetyan, R.Kotikyan and others).

In soil mechanics the multilateral and longstanding investigations regarding creep, stress relaxation, long-term strength under the various stress-strain states were fulfilled. The physical dependences for creep of volumetrical and shear deformation were received as well as the boundaries of various creep theories applicatibility were defined (S.Meschyan). Since 1960 under the supervision of S.Ambartsumyan the works concerning the preparation technology development of constructive elements from composite materials as well as the mechanical properties of such materials under the short-term, long-term (creep) and variable (fatigue) loading action have been started. The regularities of strength, anisotropy and residual deformations were received. The influence of temperature fields, stress concentrators and exploitation conditions on the mechanical behavior of reinforced composites was revealed. The regularities of cylindrical tubes deformation made from fibrous composites under the simple and complicated loadings were investigated (M.Martirosyan, N.Sarkisyan, K.Karapetyan and others).

By means of experimental and theoretical methods an influence of electromagnetic fields on the dynamic process running in metals and soils was investigated. The behavior of electro-conductive and ferromagnetic plates under the free and forced vibrations has been also investigated. By the experimental way it is shown that, the characteristics of vibrations as well as critical values of magnetic field can be investigated in comparatively smaller (10-3-10-2 T) magnetic inductions. (A.Vantsyan)

Owing to active scientific work of S.Ambartsumyan, N.Arutunyan, their learners and followers the Armenian school of mechanics was established and nowadays it has worldwide recognition.