Theory of electromagnetoelasticity
Since 1966 the investigations in the area of study of stress-strain state of thin-walled bodies in the external magnetic field had been carried out. The hypothesis of thin bodies magnetoelasticity suggested by S.Ambartsumyan, G.Baghdasaryan and M.Belubekyan became the basis for receiving of magnetoelasticity main equations and relations. On the base of created theory the problems of free, forced and parametric vibrations as well as stability of plates and shells, which have important theoretical and practical meaning, were solved.

In depend on external magnetic field the behaviour of vibration frequencies, critical characteristics and plates and shells flutter were investigated. The equations of non-linear vibrations of finitely-conductor elastic plates were received. The questions of geometrical non-linearity influence on the working characteristics of plates were discussed. Magnetoelastic behaviour of plates transverse vibrations in physically non-linear formulation were also investigated. (Gevorg E.Baghdasaryan and others).

Later on, the problems of behaviour of current carrying thin elastic bodies, piezoelectrics, piezomagnetics, ferromagnetics and superconductors depending on interaction of electrical and magnetic fields were investigated. The basic equations of current carrying plates and cylindrical shells vibration and stability were received, as well as new phenomenon stipulated by interaction of elastic and electromagnetic fields had been investigated. Possibility of current carrying thin bodies loss stability was shown, as well as critical values of electric current power were determined (M. Belubekyan, K.Kazaryan and others).

A theory for ferromagnetive, magnetostrictive and superconductive plates and shells was formulated. The problems of vibrations and stability, which have theoretical and practical interest, were investigated. Qualitative new phenomenon associated with mechanical and electromagnetical interactions were received.

Results obtained in magnetoelasticity theory are represented in papers of Sergey A.Ambartsumyan, Gevorg E.Baghdasaryan, Mels V.Belubekyan, Karen B.Kazaryan, Ara S.Avetisyan and others.